Assignment Six Homework
Online Learning: OL 101 Sustainable Development
Center for Sustainable Development
This week’s resources:
Assignment Six Discussion
Download Course Documents
Magee Example Project Assignment Six
Assignment Six. How will you organize your ideas for presentation to a donor?
Beginning Logframes
The Logical Framework (logframe) is a powerful tool that aids in project planning, budgeting, project management, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). In working with donors and stakeholders, your logframe will allow you to communicate to others exactly what you are trying to accomplish, and convey to them if you are making progress toward your goals.
In Assignment One, we used a participatory needs assessment to define the problem statement and project outline, and in Assignments Two and Three researched activities that would provide solutions. Your project can be laid out in a simplified logframe matrix that allows you to organize:
- the problem statement
- the project goal
- sub-goals that fulfill the goal
- activities that fulfill the sub-goals
This simplified matrix is the first step in building a more advanced logframe, detailed budget and project schedule—which we will be doing in the next course: OL 102, Project Architecture.
Here is how to do it:
Part 1. Organizing your project description into a beginning log frame (30 minutes).1. Get your homework assignment that you finished during Assignment Two which includes your problem statement, your project outline, and your project goal.
2. Download a simple matrix called ‘OL 341 Assignment Six Student Matrix Template to Fill In’. The matrix has already been filled in with my example family garden project that you should use as a template for your own project. Rename it to include your name instead of mine.
Cut and paste the different components of your project description from Assignment Two into the matrix just like I did with my project. Please do not change your project from Assignment Two; it needs to remain the same project. Copy and Paste—do not rewrite it, don’t modify it, don’t change anything. It is painful for me to make students redo this assignment. I’ll check!
Please leave the empty cells, columns and rows empty and alone; we will use them in the next class.
3. Choose a working title for your project and type it into the top of the matrix.
4. Paste your Problem Statement and the Goal Statement into the appropriate cells. You can see that I have annotated the matrix in red so that you can see that the problem statement and the goal statement are parallel to the sub-goals below.
5. Paste the names of your different programs from your project outline into the first sub-goal cell: I gave Sub-Goal 2 the short title: Family Garden and Nutrition Program.
6. Paste this sentence in your positive goal statement that relates to the sub-goal program title into the cell next to the sub-goal program title
These Sub Goals should be sub-components of your main goal, and when added together will fulfill the main goal. So my Sub-Goals 1 and 2, equal the solutions 1 and 2, noted in the main goal.
Make sure that the problem statement, goal and sub-goals remain absolutely parallel to each other.
So for example, one of my problems is (2) “chronically undernourished (children) caused by little knowledge of nutrition, and a shortage of food reserves.” For Sub-Goal 2, I have changed that to say: ‘100 families and their 300 children in four villages will be able to enjoy better overall nutrition and 12 months of food security per year through a family garden and nutrition program.’ This parallels the clause in my main project goal that says (2) ‘and improved nutrition and 12 months of food security per year through a family garden and nutrition program.’
7. Paste your proposed project activities in the cells below the appropriate sub-Goals into the cells labeled Outputs.
You may need to add more rows to the table if you have additional Sub-Goals and outputs.
Part 2. Sharing your project with a donor.
This week you will meet with an important person for sharing your project. I hope that you decided to meet with a donor. You can explain that this is an initial project concept on which you are hoping to receive feedback before you continue with its development.
In the meeting they will tell you one of two things:
1. The project concept falls within their goals and that you have some good ideas. Ask them for suggestions on what you could do to improve the project based upon their experience, and how you can modify the project to best fit their programming guidelines. Find out if they have any submission deadlines and what levels of funding do they provide ($5,000.00, $50,000.00, $500,000.00?). Ask them that if you develop the project further and incorporate their suggestions can you return in 6 weeks to show them the result?
2. The project concept is very interesting, but doesn’t fit within their programming goals. At this point ask them: What kinds of projects fit within their programming goals? Get very specific and take lots of notes. They might not have anything that fits your organizational goals, but it is good to find out what they focus on for future reference. Ask them if they can refer you to anyone at another funding agency that might be a better fit for your project.
But they might have an interest in an area that fits another one of your organizational goals. Maybe you presented a health project to them, and you discover they are more focused on agriculture. Maybe your organization also does agricultural projects. Think quickly and say that you have a similar scale project in agriculture—can you return in a week to show it to them?
In either case, you have learned valuable information, and you have learned how to begin partnering with donors.
The homework to turn in will be:
1. A beginning log frame matrix of your project to be sent as a Word attachment to the course e-mail.
2. The name of the person you chose to visit, the organization they work for, their job title, and a short summary paragraph of their comments on your project.
Go to Magee’s example project Assignment Six to see what this could look like. Please consider filling out the Course evaluation in Download Course Documents.
See you next month in OL 102.
Tim Magee