Assignment Three Homework
Online Learning
OL 102 Project Architecture: Planning for Impact.
Center for Sustainable Impact:
This week’s resources:
Class Home Page
Assignment Three Discussion
Magee Example Project Assignment 3
Download Class Documents: Detailed Budget to Fill In
Assignment Three: The Detailed Budget
Getting Started
For this assignment I have prepared an example budget for all four of my project’s outputs. For your homework, you only need to do one of your outputs.
Part 1.
Cutting and pasting sub-goals, the outputs, and the activities into an Excel spreadsheet
Go to Download Class Documents and download the Assignment Three Student Budget Template to Fill In. It’s an Excel spreadsheet. Open up your log frame from Assignment Two; it’s a Word document.
Cut-and-paste from the Word document into the Excel document your sub-goals, outputs, and activities right over the top of mine.
Work freely in columns A through E; there are no hidden formulas here. Columns F, G and H have simple formulas that will total your results. You don’t need to touch these for the purposes of this assignment. If you aren’t familiar with Excel, I would leave them alone.
Part 2.
Expanding upon the activities into discrete sub-activities.
You’ll notice that under each of my activities I’ve added in sub-activities that need to be performed by different people, things that need to be purchased, and overhead expenses. Modify these line items to meet your needs.
Part 3.
Assigning costs to each of the discrete sub-activities.
Under the unit column you can determine if the sub activity should be expressed in terms of monthly salary or perhaps as a unit or an object that needs to be purchased.
Under the quantity column you can select how many months of salary will be required or how many objects you’re planning to purchase.
Under the unit price insert your local cost for the items.
In the download Excel spreadsheet, I have included the formulas that will multiply and add these figures together; you may need to modify the formulas for your needs. If you mess up the formulas accidentally, you may need to get your bookkeeper to repair them before you email me your homework.
[Work freely in columns A through E; there are no hidden formulas here. Columns F, G and H have simple formulas that will total your results. You don’t need to touch these for the purposes of this assignment. If you aren’t familiar with Excel, I would leave them alone.]
There will be many line items and cost categories that will be the same from activity to activity and you can simply cut and paste them throughout your spreadsheet.
Some donors my want your organization to share in the cost of the project. Therefore two columns are provided: one for the donor and one for your organization. In this week’s example, CSDi is providing a 33% cost sharing.
As you begin to add categories and costs you will be able to see how much your project is going to cost. This exercise may show you that your project is getting too expensive and you may need to re-think some parts of your project.
The homework to turn in will:
1. A detailed budget of one of your outputs
Go to OL 102 Assignment Three Student Budget Template to Fill In to see what this could look like.
See you next week.
Tim Magee