OL 304 Assignment Five Homework
Online Learning:
Vegetable Garden Care & Maintenance for Family Gardens & Community Gardens
Center for Sustainable Development


This week’s resources:
Assignment Five Discussion
Magee Example Project Assignment Five
OL 303 Specific Links
Healthy Harvest
The Sustainable Nutrition Manual
OL 304 Specific Links
IDEP Home & Community Gardens
Permaculture Manual – Garden Africa
General Links to Dev Docs and Sites

Assignment 5. Special Gardening Challenges
Part One: Determining Underlying Causes
Revisit your week one homework and list the special challenges for today’s assignment. Then add any other special challenges that you may have observed or discussed with your gardeners over the past four weeks.

Note which of the challenges are you choosing to focus on first.

Part Two: Seeking Solutions
Brainstorm with your gardeners about potential solutions for the challenge which you have collectively chosen to focus on. Look through the Internet, through the course resources, and discuss ideas with colleagues.

Select and list your the best solutions and prioritize them by the greatest returns (impact) with the least amount of financial investment.

Provide a few links to Internet sites and scientific documents that support each solution.

Write a short summary paragraph about what you discovered about your solutions.

If your solution is complex — or long-term — write a very short, bulleted list of the steps that will need to be taken to implement it.

This week, you need to do three things in preparation for Assignment 6:
1. Ask your gardeners if there are plants that they don’t want to plant again and if there are new plants that they would like to try (assuming that seeds are available).
2. Ask them if they’re going to keep their garden the same size – or make it bigger for a second planting.
3. Ask your gardeners to begin collecting containers to plant seedlings in two weeks — or you should consider providing your gardeners with plastic seedling bags.

The homework to turn in will be:
1. A short list of the special challenges and their underlying causes — and which challenge you are choosing to focus on first.
2. A short list of your solutions prioritized by the greatest returns (impact) with the least amount of financial investment.
3. Links to informational websites and scientific documents.
4. One very short summary paragraph about what you discovered about the solution

Go to Magee’s Example Project Assignment 5 to see what this could look like.

See you next week.