OL 332 Assignment Six Homework
Online Learning: OL 332 Water Conservation & Management
Center for Sustainable Development.

This week’s resources:
-Assignment Six Discussion
-Magee Example Project Assignment Six
-Field Guide, How to Card & Lesson Plan on presenting an introduction to the development of a water management plan to the water management committee

Assignment 6. Leading a Workshop in an Introduction to Developing a Water Management Plan
Part One.

Selecting the most appropriate water conservation and management  techniques from the previous two assignments for presentation to the Water Management Committee.
I’m going to ask you to spend 10 minutes assembling the challenges your community faces with water conservation and management and potential solutions for sharing with your workshop participants.

Go back to your Assignment Four and Five and copy your concise problem definition that you wrote and paste it into Assignment Six. Then, copy the potential detailed solutions that you outlined and paste them into Assignment Six—just like my example Assignment 6.

Part Two.
Prioritize the new techniques and combine them with your original project outline

First, compare the two bulleted lists from Part One. If you see similarities or overlaps between some of the techniques, simply combine the similar techniques into a shorter list.

Next, go back to Assignment Two of OL 341 and copy your project programs that relate to water management and paste them in to Assignment Six of this course.

Finally, insert the individual bulleted techniques (as if they were sub-activities to the main activities in your programs) into your project outline.

Part Three.
Leading a Workshop in an Introduction to Developing a Water Management Plan
Activity 1. Facilitating the workshop

Make the workshop as participatory as possible by keeping the exchange of information as conversational as possible—this isn’t meant to be a lecture. The first thing to do for your workshop is to make sure that you are well-prepared. That you have people to meet with, you have a place to hold a workshop, and you have the materials that you will need. Hopefully you have colleagues to help you facilitate the workshop. Your lesson plan will be very helpful in telling you what to do at each step so that you can stay on track. It would be good to begin the workshop with an icebreaker (sing a song or play a game). You want to make sure that everyone is comfortable being there, that they feel safe enough to say what’s on their mind, and that there is a certain amount of enthusiasm in the room in order to encourage participation.

Take notes right onto the lesson plan to remind you about things that went well, things that didn’t go well, and how long the different activities took. For example, you might find that the workshop only took two hours to do rather than the three hours you estimated. Large sheets of paper and markers are also a good way to take notes. As your community members say interesting things you can jot them down on the newsprint and use them later as reminders of what was said and what people’s reactions were. They will also allow you to draw organizational charts as visual aids if necessary.

Towards the end of the workshop:
1. Ask the committee members for initial feedback on which of these activities presented in the workshop are the most interesting/appropriate for their needs. This is not a binding list – but will help start them thinking about what may need to be included in a plan.
2. Ask the committee members which one of their selected activities would they feel would be the best for the first community member training workshop.

I know that you will be tired at the end of the day but I would take a few minutes when you get home to go through the lesson plan and make a few more notes. The next time you give this workshop you can clean up the lesson plan to reflect what really happened. I would also recommend meeting with your team the next day to get their perceptions of how the workshop went and to see if they saw any improvements that could be made the next time that you give it.

Be sure to take photographs. Put someone in charge of photos. Have them take:
-close-up detailed shots of participants
-close-up detailed shots of the materials that you use
-photos of interesting drawings that you might have done on the newsprint
-shots of the whole group
-a few shots if you facilitating the workshop

The homework to turn in will be:
1. A compilation of your projects problem definition, the new water management techniques that you prioritized over the past two assignments, and your water management program outlines from your original project.
2. An expanded project outline that incorporates the new techniques that you prioritized of the last two assignments as sub-activities.
3. A short one paragraph summary of how the workshop went and how it was received by the community members.
4. A list of the activities that were the most interesting/appropriate for the committee members for inclusion in their ultimate Water Management Plan plan.
5. Note which of their selected activities they felt would be the best one for the first community member training workshop.
6. A few photographs of the workshop.

Go to Magee’s Example Project Assignment Six to see what this could look like.

See you next week.