Assignment Six Discussion
Online Learning: OL 332 Water Conservation & Management
Center for Sustainable Development.
This is going to be a very short discussion today because you have lots to do in preparation for your workshop.
This week were going to take 10 minutes to compare the activities that you are the most interested in from assignments four and five to our original project outline. Next week we will then pick one specific activity from your list to prepare for a capacity building workshop in that activity for community members in week eight.
Although you will be in a teaching role, make this week’s committee workshop as participatory as possible by keeping the exchange of information as conversational as possible. If you bring up comments or questions in an effort to keep the workshop lively—make sure that they are directed towards getting responses and feedback from the participants. This will help them keep their sense of ownership of the project
Please send me photographs of your workshop!
Good luck—I look forward to hearing about your results—please move on to Assignment Six.
Tim Magee