OL 333 Climate Smart Agriculture Special Course Links
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Climate Smart Agriculture

A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation
By Tim Magee

Students may download a PDF version of the book here.

This is book contains several resources for CSA. It is not required reading. You can order it from Amazon. “Look Inside” and Read the Introduction.

Order the Kindle version here.

There are a number of resources from the book available here:

General Resources
Rio +20 and sustainable agriculture: how to feed the world without wrecking the planet?
Interview with Dr. Frank Rijsberman, CEO of CGIAR by Bruce Campbell.

FAO: Climate-Smart Agriculture for Development

FAO: Climate-Smart Agriculture. Policies, Practices and Financing for Food Security, Adaptation and Mitigation.

The FAO recently published: Climate Smart Agriculture: a Synthesis of Empirical Evidence of Food Security and Mitigation Benefits from Improved Crop Land Management.

Oxfam: Overcoming the Barriers. How to ensure future food production under climate change in southern Africa.

CTA, CCAFS, CGIAR: Farming’s Climate Smart Future.

Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change: Achieving food security in the face of climate change.

CARE: Adaptation and Food Security.

Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis
Chatty, D., Baas, S. and Fleig, Participatory Processes towards Co-Management of Natural Resources in Pastoral Areas of the Middle East. Module II – Introducing Participatory Approaches Methods and Tools, FAO.

Chatty, D., Baas, S. and Fleig, Participatory Processes towards Co-Management of Natural Resources

CARE. Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook. CARE.

Carloni, S. Rapid guide for missions: Analyzing local institutions and livelihoods, FAO.

Dayal, R., van Wijk, C. and Mukherjee, N. Methodology For Participatory Assessments With Communities Institutions And Policy Makers, World Bank.

Jayakaran, R. Ten Seed Technique, World Vision International.

Krantz, L. The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction, SIDA.

Regmi, B., Morcrette, A., Paudyal, A., Bastakoti, R. and Pradhan, S. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Exploring Adaptation Options, Livelihoods and Forestry Programme.

Theis, J. and Grady, H. Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development, IIED.

UNDP Bureau of Development Policy. Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives: A UNDP Toolkit for Practitioners, UNDP.

United Nations Development Programme. Gender, Climate Change and Community-Based Adaptation: A Guidebook for Designing and Implementing Gender-Sensitive Community-Based Adaptation Programmes and Projects, UNDP.

Lesson Planning and Facilitating Capacity Building Workshops
PNAS: Knowledge systems for sustainable development

Participatory Mapping
IFAD. Good Practices in Participatory Mapping, IFAD.

IIED. Participatory Learning and Action 54: Mapping for change: practice, technologies and communication, IIED.

CARE. Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook. CARE.

Regmi, B., Morcrette, A., Paudyal, A., Bastakoti, R. and Pradhan, S. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Exploring Adaptation Options, Livelihoods and Forestry Programme.

Conservation Agriculture
FAO: Conservation Farming, Productivity and Climate Change

Farming God’s Way: Trainers Reference Guide

MISEREOR: No till agriculture — a climate smart solution?

CIRAD: Towards sustainable agriculture: Direct seeding on plant cover.

FAO: Conservation Agriculture — matching production with sustainability

FAO Spotlight 2006 Conservation Agriculture

Homestead Gardening: A Manual for Program Managers, Implementers, and Practitioners

IIRR: Conservation agriculture. A manual for farmers and extension workers in Africa

Sustainet Technical Manual Conservation Agriculture

Farming for the Future – A Guide to Conservation Agriculture in Zimbabwe

CFU: Conservation Farming & Conservation Agriculture Handbook for Zambia Hoe Farmers

CFU: Conservation Farming Handbook for Ox Farmers Handbook

Chris Enns Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability

Chris Enns Community Takeover

Chris Enns 344 A2 Improvements

Chris Enns 344 A4 The Best Example

Conservation farming, productivity and climate change — Peter J. Aagaard

Healthy Harvest: A training manual for community workers in good nutrition, and the growing, preparing and processing of healthy food.

The Sustainable Nutrition Manual.
: There is a very good information in this book. There is also a more comprehensive baseline study form that you can look at as a comparison to the rapid appraisal techniques that we are using for our baseline study.

Garden Africa – Permaculture Trainers Manual: A very thorough training manual by a great NGO with offices in London and projects in Southern Africa.

Reducing Soil and Water Loss on Sloping Terrain
Farming for the Future – A Guide to Conservation Agriculture in Zimbabwe

CFU: Conservation Farming & Conservation Agriculture Handbook for Zambia Hoe Farmers

CFU: Conservation Farming Handbook for Ox Farmers Handbook

Queensland Government — Natural Resources and Mines: Monto vetiver grass for soil and water conservation

The Vetiver System for Agriculture and Related Uses

Interdisciplinary on-site evaluation of stone bunds to control soil erosion on cropland in northern Ethiopia

Construction of Soil Conservation Structures for Improvement of Crops in Soil Productivity in Southern Ethiopia

Lessons learnt from 10 years research on soil erosion and soil and water conservation in Tigray

FAO/FARMESA: Soil and Water Conservation with a Focus on Water Harvesting and Soil Moisture Retention

IFPRI: Are Soil and Water Conservation Technologies a Buffer against Production Risk in the Face of Climate Change? Insights from Ethiopia’s Nile Basin

ILEIA: Learning Agriculture’s. Module Two. Soil and Water Systems

ILEIA Learning AgriCultures. Seven Module educational series on small-scale farming sustainability

CAN: Handbook

World Agroforestry Center: Field Methods for Managing Rainwater

SAI: Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge to Groundwater

HDRA: Water Harvesting And Conservation

Agrodok: Water harvesting and soil moisture retention

Role of collective actions in integrated soil and water conservation: The Case of Gununo Watershed, Southern Ethiopia

International Water Management Institute: Agricultural Water Management Technologies for Small-Scale Farmers In Southern Africa.