OL 341 Assignment 5 Homework
Online Learning: OL 341: Climate Change Adaptation: Design, Fund & Manage Projects
Center for Sustainable Development

This week’s resources:
Assignment 5 Discussion
Download Course Documents:
Magee Example Project Assignment 5
Lesson Plan Example: Kitchen Gardens
Kitchen Garden How To Card
Field Guide Knowledge Transfer—Developing Field Guides, Lesson Plans, and Workshops

Assignment 5. How will you transfer the solution to the community?
Turning one of your project’s activities into a lesson plan and a take-home how-to card.
Part 1. Writing a lesson plan.
In the download documents link in the menu to the left I’ve placed an example lesson plan from my project in home gardening.

My suggestion would be to take this lesson plan example and begin editing right over the top of it with the information about your workshop. You should be able to cut and paste right from the field guide that you wrote last week right into the lesson plan I’m providing. Hopefully your guide was written in a step-by-step approach and each one of those steps can be used for a workshop activity. You will also need to use your imagination to think of how long each activity in the workshop will take—so that you can determine the length of the entire workshop.

The only challenge you may face will be to dream up some fun activities for your participants to do in the workshop. If you get stuck, ask a teacher friend if they can give you some ideas.

Part 2. Illustrated how-to card.
Visit the webpages on our website called Culturally Appropriate Illustrations and Knowledge Transfer, there are links at the top of this page. They will give you some background information on the kinds of illustrations that were looking for.

But for today, take the step-by-step ideas from your guide and the activities from your lesson plan and think about what they would look like visually if you were to draw one illustration for each activity. Then decide how many illustrations you’re going to need. Four to a page seem to fit well—so you could choose four illustrations or eight if it will be a two-sided how-to card. I have provided an example card in Week 5 of Download Class Documents called “Forming Garden Beds and Planting Seeds”.

Don’t be concerned about your artistic capabilities: this is simply a process that I want you to work through from field guide to lesson plan to illustrations. You can always give your sketches to an illustrator to fix up prior to one of your workshops.

Part 3. Make an appointment with a donor for next week.
This week I would like you to make a list of three important people that you could share your project with. In making your list it is essential to identify influential people with missions similar to yours.

I would highly recommend trying to make an appointment with a donor for next week. In every country’s capital many donors will have offices. If you’re thinking about visiting a donor you can go to their website and find out what kind of projects they invest in and what their project requirements are. You can also ask colleagues for recommendations; often an introduction from a mutual acquaintance can help you set a meeting.

But if it is impossible for you to meet with a donor I would suggest making an appointment for next week with your boss, a member of the Board of Directors of your organization, or if you’re a student one of your professors in international development. You can explain that this is an initial project concept, and that you are hoping to receive feedback on it before you continue with its development.

Adaptation Element
Adaptation. Go ahead and write up the traditional lesson plan as in the example that I’ve provided to you, but in the first activity ask a question first of the community about their knowledge, thoughts and insights into the theme of that activity that might be affected by changes in weather—before carrying on with your presentation.

The homework to turn in will be:
1. A lesson plan on your chosen activity from your project sent as a Word attachment to the course e-mail.
2. An illustrated how-to card of the activity that you have scanned and sent as an attachment to the course e-mail.
3. A list of three people that you could visit, the name of the person you chose to make an appointment with for next week, the organization they work for, and their job title.
4. Adaptation element.

Go to Magee’s Example Project Assignment Five to see what this could look like.

See you next week.

Tim Magee