Assignment Six Discussion
Online Learning: OL 343 Adapting to Climate Change: The Community Focus.
Center for Sustainable Development
Assignment Six. Feedback and Ownership
This is your chance to really solidify the modifications and additions that you’ve made to your project. If you took my suggestion, and kept the modifications and additions simple, it should be a quick task on your part to go back and make adjustments to your project log frame, budget and your schedule. This is not an assignment that you need to send to me—this is purely for your own records and for sharing with colleagues and your donor.
What is possibly more important this week is to continue to reinforce the fact that your project is rooted in Community-Based Adaptation. So what you need to do this week is to return to your community — this doesn’t need to be a large gathering, it can just be a few representative members of your group—and share with them how the project is progressing.
Although we’re hoping to get fine tuning feedback from them, we’re also hoping to continue building their ownership of the project because that is a very strong basis in CBA projects. This will part becoming very real over the next two weeks as you begin developing a community-based project team with whom you will work with to launch and implement the project. This project team will also oversee the handover of the project as you phase out in a couple of years.
This is also an opportunity because of the way CBA projects are designed to show the community members that you meet with how the adaptation strategies and activities are working in support of their original project goals and are working in support of poverty reduction, livelihoods strengthening, and disaster risk reduction.
Please move on to assignment six—I look forward to seeing your work.
Tim Magee