OL 345 Assignment Seven Homework
Online Learning: OL 345 Community Based DRR Training.
Center for Sustainable Development.

This week’s resources:
-Assignment Seven Discussion
-Magee Example Project Assignment Seven
-Field Guide: Knowledge Transfer—Developing Field Guides, Lesson Plans, and Workshops
-OL 345 Lesson Plan A7—Introducing Flood Evacuation To Community Members

Assignment Seven. Identifying DRR sub-activities for capacity building; Workshop Lesson Planning.
Part 1. Identifying DRR sub-activities for capacity building

Last week you met with your DRR Committee in order to share your newly expanded project outline.

At the meeting you shared with them the newly expanded outline with your new sub-activities and encouraged them to discuss the outline and the new sub-activities openly. This not only gave you valuable feedback but it also allowed them to do some decision-making on which activity do they wanted to begin with first.

This information gave you the specific activity to develop for the upcoming capacity building workshop on. In conjunction with the committee members, you should decide whether to do a survey workshop which looks at several sub-activities so that the community members can think about them and make a decision about which ones are the most appropriate for them. Or perhaps the committee will want to hold a workshop on a highly specific single sub-activity

Set a date with your committee contact person for holding the community workshop.

Part 2. Communicate with your DRR expert.
Now that you have a plan for the workshop, meet with your DRR expert to describe what the workshop is going to be about in order to get their input into designing the workshop activities; this will help tremendously in preparing the materials you might need for the workshop and in developing your lesson plan and how-to card. Ask them if it will be possible for them to attend the workshop and help facilitate it..

Part 3. Developing a lesson plan and a how-to card for this skill set
I would like for you to find (in Google, or OL 345 specific links) a handbook or a manual that will give you sound instruction for the activity that you’ve chosen to help you develop a lesson plan.

Then, I would like you to take a lesson plan that I’ve provided you as an example, or modify one of your own lesson plans into a workshop lesson plan for introducing this new skill to your community.

Then, I would like for you to hand draw (very simple—no need to spend much time) a how-to card or poster for your workshop, or download one from the Internet, or paste drawings from something you found on the Internet onto your how-to card.

Part 4. Planning the workshop and touching base with your point person at the community committee
I would begin organizing the workshop itself a week in advance. If you arranged the workshop for the Saturday of next week, then now you really have almost 2 weeks of preparation time.

This would be a good time to also check and make sure that you have all of the supplies and materials that you’re going to need for your workshop—like large sheets of paper, and pens and markers for doing drawings and taking notes. If you’re planning on providing a snack, make sure that that is well organized and that you will have staff or volunteers to prepare and serve the snack so that you can fully concentrate on your participants.

Even though you spoke to your point person about a date for the workshop—it might not hurt to touch base with them one more time prior to the workshop to make sure that everything is OK—and if they are providing any materials that they will be ready for the workshop.

Please note: My example for this assignment happens to be a disaster evacuation workshop because it’s part of one of my DRR activities. This is not a requirement for you to hold a disaster evacuation workshop.

The homework to turn in will be:
1. A brief description of your discussion with the DRR expert describing their input and availability for attending the workshop.
2. The date for the workshop
3. A simple lesson plan presenting the skill set in a workshop
4. A simple how-to card
5. Go prepared to take photos.
Go to Magee’s Example Project Assignment Seven to see what this could look like.

See you next week.