OL 345 Community Based Disaster Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Management Special Course Links
Online Learning: OL 345 Community Based DRR Training.
Center for Sustainable Development. https://csd-i.org/disaster-risk-reduction-online-drr-training/
Website addresses change frequently. If one of these links doesn’t work simply type in the name of the document into your Internet browser and you will find the latest link for the paper. If it occurs to you — please send us the corrected link. Thank you!
Community Based DRR
Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction – Good Practice.
Gautam, D. R. Kailali Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives. 2009
Methodology for Community-Based Hazards Vulnerability Risk Assessment in Gilgit District.
Babar Khan. UNDP Regional Climate Risk Reduction Project for Himalayas. (Pakistan). 2011.
Community-Based Approaches to Disaster Mitigation.
Victoria, L. P. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. 2003
Flash Flood Risk Management. A Training of Trainers Manual.
Shresth, A. B., Chapagain, P. S., Thapa, R. International Center for Integrated Mountain Development. 2011
Integrating disaster risk reduction and adaptation into rural livelihood programming
Oxfam 2010
Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis
Chatty, D., Baas, S. and Fleig, A. Participatory Processes towards Co-Management of Natural Resources in Pastoral Areas of the Middle East. Module II – Introducing Participatory Approaches Methods and Tools, FAO.
CARE. Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook. CARE.
Carloni, S. Rapid guide for missions: Analyzing local institutions and livelihoods, FAO.
Jayakaran, R. Ten Seed Technique, World Vision International.
Krantz, L. The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction, SIDA.
Regmi, B., Morcrette, A., Paudyal, A., Bastakoti, R. and Pradhan, S. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Exploring Adaptation Options, Livelihoods and Forestry Programme.
Theis, J. and Grady, H. Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development, IIED.
UNDP Bureau of Development Policy. Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives: A UNDP Toolkit for Practitioners, UNDP.
United Nations Development Programme. Gender, Climate Change and Community-Based Adaptation: A Guidebook for Designing and Implementing Gender-Sensitive Community-Based Adaptation Programmes and Projects, UNDP.
Lesson Planning and Facilitating Capacity Building Workshops
PNAS: Knowledge systems for sustainable development
Participatory Mapping
IFAD. Good Practices in Participatory Mapping, IFAD.
IIED. Participatory Learning and Action 54: Mapping for change: practice, technologies and communication, IIED.
CARE. Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook. CARE.
Regmi, B., Morcrette, A., Paudyal, A., Bastakoti, R. and Pradhan, S. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Exploring Adaptation Options, Livelihoods and Forestry Programme.