Applications being accepted for CSDi Summer Academy 2011

Join us in July for an intensive series of courses with other students from all over the world.

If you are returning student, take a course that you haven’t taken before.

Or, use this opportunity to begin with the first course of a community-based adaptation to climate change certificate program—or an Integrated CBA, DRR, & Rural Development diploma program.

The first course of either program begins on July 12 and is:
OL 341. Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change 1

Upcoming Online Development Courses: July 2011


STEP 1. Enroll in the first course of this series: OL 341.
Required Foundation Courses. These four courses are taken in sequence prior to enrolling in elective courses.

341 Community Based Adaptation 1: July 12 – September 5. Gain an insight into contemporary methods of developing community based, sustainable, impact-oriented projects. Gain practical field tools and develop a range of skills: facilitating participatory needs assessments and DRR assessments, designing projects, and evidence-based activities. Develop a real project in real time.

342 Community Based Adaptation: Planning for Impact. July 12 – August 22. Imbed impact into your adaptation project design with a powerful set of management tools. Log frames, detailed budgets, timelines, compelling fact sheets, M&E plans, outcomes and impact. These tools will communicate to donors and stakeholders exactly what you are trying to accomplish and can be used for effective management of the project once funded.

343 Community Based Adaptation 3: The Community Focus. September 6 – October 31. What does climate change adaptation mean at the community level? What practical tools are available today for communities to use in adaptation and in DRR? Conduct a baseline survey including climate vulnerability, risk assessment, an adaptation capacity analysis, and gain an understanding of local knowledge of a changing climate and of coping strategies. For practitioners who wish to begin working now at the community level to successfully adapt to the challenges that face us.

344 Community Based Adaptation 4: Sustainable Implementation. November 8 – December 19. How do you launch and implement a community based adaptation/DRR project? The importance of community engagement and project co-management. Developing skill sets for your community to use in the adaptation process. Learning tools: monitoring & evaluation. Community empowerment during project hand-over. Sustainability, follow-up & mentoring

Elective Courses. Enroll in four of these elective courses.
After successful completion of the four prerequisite courses above, you will be invited to enroll in elective courses. Select four electives of your choice to tailor the diploma program to meet your needs and interests.

OL 303. Food Security, Nutrition, and Starting Home Gardens 1
OL 304. Food Security, Nutrition and Managing Home Gardens 2
OL 224. Participatory M&E
OL 345. Community Based Disaster Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Management
OL 346. Small Island Developing States and Climate Change
OL 326. Developing Livelihood Resilience in your CBA project.
OL 332. Water Conservation and Management in your CBA project.
OL 333. Improved, Integrated Agricultural Practices for your CBA project.
OL 334. Incorporating REDD+ and Forest Stewardship into your CBA project.
OL 202. Impact Analysis

Community Based Adaptation brings together those working in the fields of disaster risk reduction, community development, and climate change science. Community Based Adaptation draws on participatory approaches and methods developed in both disaster risk reduction and community development work. CBA needs to start with community expressed needs and perceptions, and have poverty reduction and livelihood benefits, as well as reducing vulnerability to climate change and disasters. In practice, CBA projects look very like ‘development as usual’ and it is difficult to distinguish the additional ‘adaptation components’.
IIED: PLA Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change.

Expanded information on elective courses.

Find out more about this Online Diploma Course.

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Learn how to develop a community centered, impact oriented project.