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Author: Tim Magee

OL 341 Week 1: Identifying the Community’s Real Problem. Lite Version

OL 341—Community Based Adaptation:The Lite Version
As I mentioned in this month’s newsletter, this week we’re going to begin offering OL 341 Community Based Adaptation 1 in a Light Version. Students of this course actively exchange and share information on a course forum, on our Facebook page, and at our Development Community.

OL 341 Community Based Adaptation 1

Students are developing real, community based adaptation projects in partnership with communities all over the world through the course. The information that they are sharing is about the progress of their project’s development, questions that they have in hopes of getting new ideas from fellow course participants, and useful resources that they have discovered during the development of their projects.

The Lite Version
Each week, running in parallel with the course, I will be posting for you a discussion sheet about community-based adaptation, and an example of that week’s homework. This is simply to give you the opportunity of seeing what these courses are like from the student’s perspective. They also give you an opportunity to better understand what the students are discussing that week.

This is called the Lite Version, because the full course has a collection of online student resources, expanded discussions about that week’s assignment, and, of course, it has the course leader who works with students in reviewing their assignments and in making suggestions that may be useful in improving projects.

Week 1: Identifying the Community’s Real Problem.
The Lite Version

OL 341 Assignment One CBA Discussion

Magee Example Project OL 341 Assignment One

Is providing this information helpful to you? Please let us know your thoughts!

Be sure to visit the CSDi’s Development Community. Join 450 colleagues in sharing resources & collaborating online.

Like us: CSDi Facebook.

Learn how to develop a community centered, impact oriented project.

New Spanish Courses—¡Cursos Nuevos en Español! Six courses come online.

New Spanish Courses—¡Cursos Nuevos en Español! Six courses come online.

Over the past year a number of climate change specialists have asked if we would offer our adaptation courses in Spanish. We are now proud to announce our four course adaptation module in Spanish beginning May 17, 2011. Please read the course description below—or follow these links:
Español: Cursos en Línea
English:  Online Learning

New Spanish Courses—¡Cursos Nuevos en Español! Six courses come online.

6 cursos han llegado en línea en español. Aprenderá a incorporar necesidades identificadas por la comunidad dentro del diseño de su proyecto. Empoderar a las personas en sus comunidades para cambiar sus vidas, desarrollar proyectos orientados a los impactos desde la base, utilice métodos probados con resultados sostenibles, atraer a los donantes, y colaborar con colegas del Norte y del Sur.

Los Cursos en Español:

OL 101. Comenzando desde la Base
OL 102. Arquitectura de Proyectos

Modulo 340 Adaptación al Cambio Climático Basado en la Comunidad

OL 341 Adaptación Basada en la Comunidad 1: Diseño y Financiamiento de Proyectos CBA
OL 342 Adaptación Basada en la Comunidad 2: Planificación para el Impacto
OL 343 Adaptación Basada en la Comunidad 3: El enfoque comunitario
OL 344 Adaptación Basada en la Comunidad 4: Implementación Sostenible

Be sure to join CSDi’s Development Community. Join 450 colleagues in sharing resources & collaborating online.

Learn how to develop a community centered, impact oriented project.

Like us: CSDi Facebook.

The Center Passes 100! Plus: New Spanish Courses—¡Cursos Nuevos en Español!

Center for Sustainable Development

April, 2011  Newsletter


Upcoming Online Development Courses: May 2011
Courses Begin May 17: Earlybird Discount Ends April 25

Advanced Courses:
The Center Passes 100 in March

100 countries—100,000 beneficiaries. In our online program’s first 15 months, people from 103 countries and 225 organizations enrolled on our online courses and have developed projects impacting 100,000 people. Their projects include over 150 different kinds of intervention activities.

New Spanish Courses—¡Cursos Nuevos en Español! Six courses come online.

6 cursos han llegado en línea en español. Aprenderá a incorporar necesidades identificadas por la comunidad dentro del diseño de su proyecto. Empoderar a las personas en sus comunidades para cambiar sus vidas, desarrollar proyectos orientados a los impactos desde la base, utilice métodos probados con resultados sostenibles, atraer a los donantes, y colaborar con colegas del Norte y del Sur.

Online Courses Light: Free insights into the week-by-week lives of our students, their assignments and their projects.

Beginning this week on Facebook, online students from all over the world will be posting ideas, information and questions about their projects. Each week we will be posting the class discussion that their assignment is based upon and examples of the homework students turn in. See what the classes are like from the inside. Check in each week on our Facebook page to get the latest!

Project of the Month: Kenya. Incorporate indigenous knowledge into adaptation to climate change projects.

Last week, Stephen Oluoch met again with the community to gain a better understanding of their knowledge of climate change, challenges that they are experiencing attributable to climate change, and activities that they have begun on their own using indigenous knowledge to adapt to their changing situation.

Peak Coffee: Is Climate Change Affecting Farmers in Your Country? It is in Guatemala.

Each week I hear about subsistence farmers affected by extended drought, rainy seasons beginning late and ending early, too much rain at the wrong time, and extreme weather events destroying crops. But a trip to a coffee farm in Guatemala brought this reality home to me.

Bosco Odongo: How Villagers Can Co-manage Complex Projects: An Example from Kenya.

Bosco is developing a project with 120 families in three villages that includes home gardening & a farmer soil and water conservation program. To ensure long-term sustainability, he has facilitated community members in developing a Community Implementation Committee to co-manage this project. Read his short report and see his excellent photos.

How to Connect with a Donor at the First Meeting

Handing a lengthy proposal to a donor may not be the best way to start off your first meeting. A good alternative is to hand them a 1½ or 2 page clearly organized document: a fact sheet. They can scan it for 30 seconds or a minute, and quickly get a good understanding of your project.

Thank you to all of the people who have expressed interest in our courses—and for those participants from all over the world who have enrolled.

Consider helping more students enroll by sponsoring a scholarship—it’s easy!

What’s happening in the region where you live? Is there specialized information that you would like us to write about?

Please post your stories and your comments to our blog, our Facebook page, or to our Development Community.

Be sure to join CSDi’s Development Community. Join 450 colleagues in sharing resources & collaborating online.

Learn how to develop a community centered, impact oriented project.

Like us: CSDi Facebook.

Until next month,

Tim Magee