OL 343 Assignment Three Homework
Online Learning: OL 343 Adapting to Climate Change: The Community Focus.

This week’s resources:
Assignment Three Discussion
Magee Example Project Assignment Three

You can download this PVCA Field Guide and Lesson Plan to use as a template for your assignment:
OL 343 PCVA Workshop Field Guide & Lesson Plan

CARE: Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook

WWF Vulnerability Assessment of People, Livelihoods and Ecosystems in the Ganga Basin

Livelihoods and Forestry Program: Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Exploring Adaptation Options

Assignment Three. Learning about climate change and coping strategies from the knowledge base of our community members.

 Part 1.
Download the handbook from CARE: Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis. There is very, very good information in the first 28 pages — and you might want to skim this and highlight areas which are of interest to you for future reference.

Download the PVCA Field Guide and Lesson Plan to use as a template for your assignment.

Beginning on page 30 is a very well detailed guide on facilitating workshops and beginning on page 33 are participatory exercises – each about 1 1/2 hours long – that will create a two-way learning experience both for you as the facilitator and for your workshop participants.

We are only going to do 4 of the 5 exercises; this should take 5½ hours total:

1. Hazard Mapping

2. Seasonal Calendar

3. Historical Timeline

4. Matrix: Impact of Hazards on Livelihood Assets and Resources

I want you to include climate change into this timeline. Have they seen a change over time with the following types of changes in climate – when did they start noticing the changes? For example, beginning 20 years ago rainfall began becoming less; by how much. Or, beginning 20 years ago, the growing season changed; its shorter now – or it starts later. Or, beginning 20 years ago, storms have increased and there is flooding when there didn’t used to be. We are looking for local knowledge about changes in the climate. These could include:

  •   Storms
  •   Erratic rainfall or more or less rainfall
  •   Drought/heat waves
  •   Timing of the growing seasons
  •   Flooding
  •   Water availability
  •   Health issues/Disease

5. Vulnerability Matrix

Part 2.
I would print the four exercises out and review them with your team. I would then make notes on the exercises to help adapt them specifically to your community context. If you like, you can paste the exercises into MS Word and make your modifications there so that you will have an archive file that you can print out again in the future.

You may choose to produce a handout or some posters this week prior to conducting a workshop next week.

Part 3.
I would then recommend role-playing the exercises with your colleagues so that you will be better prepared when you present the workshop, and so you can discover if there are any problems in the design of the exercises for your region.

Write a brief description of modifications that you made to the exercises in order to adapt them to your region or to your community’s needs.

Part 4.
Aside from developing your materials, I would begin organizing the workshop itself a week in advance. If you arranged the workshop for the Saturday of next week, then you really have almost two weeks of preparation time.

Make sure that you have all of your materials together — like large sheets of paper, and pens and markers for doing the drawings. Because this is a 5 ½ hour workshop (unless you break it into two shorter workshops) you may also need to plan snacks, drinks, and lunch.

My suggestion would be to have two/three colleagues accompany you to help with the workshop. This will be especially useful if you decide to break the participants down into sub-groups (of men and of women, or of teenagers and of parents). Also, if you are considering providing snacks, drinks and lunch, you should put someone completely in charge of that (including a helper or two) so that you aren’t distracted with the details and are free to focus completely on facilitating the workshop.

Part 5.
Write a brief description of what seemed the most interesting and significant thing for you in the first 30 pages of the CARE handbook. It only needs to be one or two sentences.

Write a brief description of your favorite quote from this week’s discussion — and why. It only needs to be one or two sentences.

The homework to turn in will be:
1. A brief description of what seemed the most interesting and significant thing for you in the first 30 pages of the CARE handbook.

2. A brief description of your favorite quote from this week’s discussion — and why.

3. A brief description of modifications that you made to the exercises in order to adapt them to your region or to your community’s needs.

Go to Magee’s Example Project Assignment Three to see what this could look like.

See you next week.