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Author: Tim Magee

CSDi student Martin Sishekanu wins grant award for course project

Martin Sishekanu (Zambia) and course partner Ursula Flossmann-Kraus (Germany/Philippines) have just completed the third course of the four course diploma program on Community-Based Adaptation To Climate Change. Students develop documents in the courses which are suitable for presentation to donors—and Martin just got the good news that he has received a grant award for an agricultural income generation component of their project. Congratulations Martin!
Women participating in a workshop on developing a Village Agricultural Committee
Martin is an Agricultural Specialist in Land Husbandry; right now he’s working on a Zambian government climate change project as the Head of the Resilient Agriculture Platform and Participatory Adaptation Advisor. Ursula, works for the GIZ as a Program Advisor for the GIZ Environment and Rural Development Program in the Philippines.

Even though they are many thousands of miles apart their course partnership is a strong one. Interestingly, they were able to meet in December in Durban, South Africa at COP 17. So, unlike many of our course partners who never get a chance to meet each other—they did!

Their project is an interesting one and has been in design and development for six months now. With Martin’s recent grant award they will be able to launch the first phase of the project. The project has four agricultural components:

  • An Agricultural Income Generation Program
  • An Animal Husbandry Program
  • A Land-Use Management Plan
  • A Climate Smart Agricultural Practices Program
Men in the Village Agricultural Committee workshop
Follow this link to see the results of a participatory capacity and vulnerability assessment which Martin did with his community in February and  see an outline of the project which they have developed in 341, 342, and 343.

As their last assignment for course 343—which they just completed—they facilitated the development of a village agricultural committee to co-manage the four project components. Over the next few months, the committee will be working on structuring the committee, goal setting, and identifying training needs. Their first output will be to prioritize a list of income generation activities for the Agricultural Income Generation project component that just received the funding.

Martin begin engaging with this community starting in Assignment 1 of OL 341. This consistent engagement during project design and development creates community ownership of the project. During project implementation, members of the Village Agricultural Committee will learn how to manage and maintain the different project components. When Martin’s project commitment comes to an end, the community will not only have a sense of project ownership, they will know how to run the project long into the future.

Would you like to learn how to develop Community Based Adaptation Projects?

What’s happening in the region where you live?
Please write us with your stories, thoughts and comments through Online.Learning@csd-i.org
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tim Magee, Executive Director
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The Center for Sustainable Development specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for humanitarian development professionals worldwide. CSDi is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Special Adaptation Field Guide Newsletter | Livelihoods| Resilience | DRR Planning | Mapping

April, 2012 CSDi Newsletter
This special newsletter illustrates a technique for transferring sound knowledge to field staff and community members alike: Field Guides. Included are 5 classic examples from Tim Magee’s upcoming book from Routledge: A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation.
 Enrollment extended: Enrollment is open until May 6, 2012

BECOME THE SOLUTION. Are you a donor, development practitioner, in transition, or a student who wants to learn more about “what works” in development? Join students world-wide  to design, fund and launch a community based project. Student projects have utilized 175 different kinds of solution-oriented activities to address community need. Scan the list to see which would work best for your project.

We’ve trained development professionals from 375 organizations in 116 countries to develop projects impacting over 200,000 people.
FIELD GUIDES. Knowledge Transfer, Community Based Adaptation, and Field Guides

Knowledge to be transferred in community-based adaptation needs to be a two-way transfer. Experts and remote, rural community members have different positions and expectations. Bridging these requires mutual understanding—understanding that can be complicated by culture, language and experience.
Developing a short, concise field guide helps in a number of ways. It allows you to compile how-to information from diverse sources into a guide that best fits your community’s context, and gives you the basis for a workshop plan.

A three-quarter page field guide also limits how much you can present in a workshop. It forces you to concentrate on a single specific activity that can be presented in a two or three hour participatory workshop. This month we are presenting five field guides of classic CBA capacity building activities.
Field Guide 1.  Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Assessments (PCVA)

CBA combines local climate knowledge and scientific climate knowledge in a way that will empower community members to take charge in an effective bottom-up campaign of adapting to climate change. Their project will be sustainable—as this bottom-up approach gives them project ownership. How do we learn about local climate knowledge?
The first step is to facilitate a PCVA workshop which will help in exchanging knowledge about the community’s vulnerabilities and capacities. What are the hazards and risks they face?

You will learn from them about their coping strategies in the face of a changing climate. Local knowledge will give you an opening for sharing with them science based techniques that can strengthen their local strategies.
Field Guide 2. Participatory Mapping for Soil and Water Resources

Participatory mapping is an excellent way of learning in greater detail about a community, their resources, the hazards they face, and how the village, farm fields, roads, forests, water sources, and climate challenges interrelate. It’s also an excellent way for community members to see their assets and vulnerabilities through a new lens.

Participatory mapping is an inclusive tool: all workshop participants can engage in the activity as it’s very visual—non-readers won’t be sidelined.

Field Guide 3. Simple Techniques for Soil and Water Conservation
Subsistence farmers suffer not only from depleted soils but from challenges with water: too little water, too much water, and erosion from water. This field guide looks at different ways of managing water and conserving soil by developing barriers on farm fields for stopping the flow of water allowing it to percolate into the soil and build up soil moisture.
The barriers also reduce the loss of soil from erosion. Topsoil suspended in water settles behind the barriers creating level terraces. These low cost/no cost techniques can be incorporated into farm fields over the span of time—spreading the workload.
Field Guide 4. Developing a Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Plan
If a disaster forced an evacuation—people need to know when to evacuate, where to go where it’s safe, what to do with their valuable possessions and assets, what to take with them & what to do when they get to shelter.
It is estimated that over 50% of all disasters are now related to extreme weather events. Because of this, disaster risk reduction should be an integral part of adaptation projects.
Community-based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) holds the same merit that community-based adaptation does: ownership and sustainability. This field guide presents a consciousness-raising overview for community members for establishing a CBDRR program in their community.
Field Guide 5. Diversifying Livelihoods
Diversifying livelihoods is a good option for increasing resilience in the face of climate change challenges. For example, reduced agricultural production can be offset buy new climate-proof livelihoods.There are many micro-lending and micro-enterprise programs in the developing world able to assist.
However, not everyone is an entrepreneur. Another challenge is that frequently, people think of a product they would like to sell, begin making it, and then have trouble finding customers. There are several simple techniques for addressing these challenges—including climate-proofing current livelihoods.
Routledge CBA Book: A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation by Tim Magee
This how-to field course in a book is arranged in a step-by-step progression that leads readers through problem assessment, project design, implementation, and community take over. Chapters have the tools needed by field staff and their community partners to complete sequential, concrete steps in developing a real project from the ground up. Routledge has announced a December 1 book launch.

In addition, the book includes a range of short field guides
like the five in this newslettercontaining activities complete with illustrations, how-to information, and workshop plans on universal climate challenges that communities face in the areas of water, food security, agriculture, disaster risk reduction, and livelihood diversification.
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Learn more about design and implementing CBA projects.
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The Center for Sustainable Development specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for humanitarian development professionals worldwide. CSDi is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

April CBA Climate Change News | Adaptation Field Guide Issue

May Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change  Newsletter
Field Guides Knowledge Transfer, Community Based Adaptation, and Field Guides

Knowledge to be transferred in community-based adaptation needs to be a two-way transfer. Experts and remote, rural community members have different positions and expectations. Bridging these requires mutual understanding—understanding that can be complicated by culture, language and experience.
Developing a short, concise field guide helps in a number of ways. It allows you to compile how-to information from diverse sources into a guide that best fits your community’s context, and gives you the basis for a workshop lesson plan.

A three-quarter page field guide also limits how much you can present in a workshop. It forces you to concentrate on a single specific activity that can be presented in a two or three hour participatory workshop. This month we are presenting five field guides of classic CBA capacity building activities.
Field Guide 1.  Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Assessments

CBA combines local climate knowledge and scientific climate knowledge in a way that will empower community members to take charge in an effective bottom-up campaign of adapting to climate change. Their project will be sustainable—as this bottom-up approach gives them project ownership. How do we learn about local climate knowledge?
The first step is to facilitate a PCVA workshop for exchanging knowledge about the community’s vulnerabilities and capacities. You will learn from them about their coping strategies in the face of a changing climate.

Local knowledge will give you an opening for sharing with them science based techniques that can be supportive of their local strategies.
Field Guide 2. Participatory Mapping for Soil and Water Resources

Participatory mapping is an excellent way of learning in greater detail about a community, their resources, the hazards they face, and how the village, farm fields, roads, forests, water sources, and climate challenges interrelate. It’s also an excellent method for community members to see their assets and vulnerabilities through a new lens.

Participatory mapping is an inclusive tool: all workshop participants can engage in the activity as it’s very visual—non-readers won’t be sidelined.

Field Guide 3. Simple Techniques for Soil and Water Conservation
Subsistence farmers suffer not only from depleted soils but from challenges with water: too little water, too much water, and erosion from water. This field guide looks at different ways of managing water and conserving soil by developing barriers on farm fields for stopping the flow of water so that it can percolate into the soil and build up soil moisture. The barriers also reduce the loss of soil from erosion. Topsoil suspended in water settles behind the barriers creating level terraces. These low cost/no cost techniques can be incorporated  into their fields over the span of time.
Field Guide 4. Developing a Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Plan
It is estimated that over 50% of all disasters are now related to extreme weather events. Because of this, disaster risk reduction should be an integral part of adaptation projects. Community-based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) holds the same merit that community-based adaptation does: ownership and sustainability. This field guide presents a consciousness-raising overview for community members for establishing a CBDRR program in their community.
Field Guide 5. Diversifying Livelihoods

Diversifying livelihoods is a good option for increasing resilience in the face of climate change challenges. There are many micro-lending and micro-enterprise programs in the developing world able to assist.
However, not everyone is an entrepreneur. Another challenge is that frequently people think of a product they can sell, begin making it, and have trouble finding customers. There are several simple techniques for addressing these challenges.

Routledge CBA Book: A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation by Tim Magee
This how-to field course in a book is arranged in a step-by-step progression that leads readers through problem assessment, project design, implementation, and community take over. Chapters have the tools needed by field staff and their community partners to complete sequential, concrete steps in developing a real project from the ground up. Routledge has announced a December 1 book launch.

In addition, the book includes a range of short field guideslike the five in this newslettercontaining activities complete with illustrations, how-to information, and workshop plans on universal climate challenges that communities face in water, food security, agriculture, disaster risk reduction, and livelihood diversification. 

Spring Quarter Are you interested in:


Would you like to learn how to develop Community Based Adaptation Projects?

What’s happening in the region where you live?
Please write us with your stories, thoughts and comments through Online.Learning@csd-i.org
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tim Magee, Executive Director
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The Center for Sustainable Development specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for humanitarian development professionals worldwide. CSDi is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.