July’s 32 Top Resources: Climate Change | CBA | REDD+ | Climate Finance | CSA
We have so many excellent resources come through CSDi that we periodically compile them and share them in an occasional, special newsletter.
Please note: web addresses change frequently – if one doesn’t work simply type the resource title into your browser.
1. Climate Change | Community Based Adaptation
CSDi Summer and Fall Training
2 Month International Blended Training Program: September 2-October 31, 2013
Including a 5 Day Live Workshop: Antigua, Guatemala: September 30 – October 4, 2013
El Programa en Español
Programa de Capacitación Internacional de 2 Meses: 2 de septiembre al 31 de octubre de 2013
Comparative analysis of climate change vulnerability assessments: lessons from Tunisia and Indonesia
Anne Hammill, Livia Bizikova, Julie Dekens, Matthew McCandless
International Institute for Sustainable Development
March 2013
Climate resilience and disaster risk management. Stories of change from CDKN
April 2013
Climate change and ecosystem based adaptation: a new pragmatic approach to buffering climate change impacts
Richard Munang, Ibrahim Thiaw, Keith Alverson, Musonda Mumba, Jian Liu, and Mike Rivington
CBA 7 conference proceedings. Community-based adaptation: Mainstreaming CBA international and local planning
seventh international conference. April 2013. Dhaka Bangladesh
Conference Concept: West Africa learning event – community-based adaptation
hosted by Adaptation Learning Program, CARE International
September 2013
Webinar/PowerPoint. Monitoring and evaluation for community-based adaptation: unpacking the CARE PMERL and ARCAB approaches and their interconnection
Tina Rossing and Lucy Faulkner
May 2013
Good Practice. Climate change adaptation and mitigation.
AfriCAN Climate
8 Principles Of Good Practice
AfriCAN Climate
Assessing the Climate Impacts of Cookstove Projects: Issues in Emissions Accounting
Stockholm Environment Institute
2. Climate Smart Agriculture
Smallholder Farmers Perception of the Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Rain Fed Agricultural Practices in Semiarid and Subhumid Regions of Kenya
Jokastah Wanzuu Kalungu, Walter Leal Filho, and David Harris
Journal of Environment and Earth Science
Our Coming Food Crisis
Discusses farm scale activities such as the need for composting.
Gary Paul Nabhan
New York Times
July 2013
Guinea: farmers restore soil fertility with composted market waste
Discusses farmers in Africa using compost on a community scale for their farms.
Ibrahima Sory Cisse
Farm Radio Weekly
July 2013
3. Climate Finance
Maneuvering the Mosaic. State of the voluntary carbon markets 2013
Forest Trends Ecosystem Marketplace
May 2013
Ready for Climate Finance: GIZ’s Approach to Making Climate Finance Work
4. Livelihoods, Smallholders & Markets, Job Preparation
Enhancing Smallholder Farmer Participation in Markets: The IMOD Way
William D. Dar
Evaluating the Business Case for Investment in the Resilience of the Tourism Sector of Small Island Developing States
Roché Mahon, Susanne Becken and Hamish Rennie
Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand
Alternative Agricultural Markets for Improved Livelihoods
BAOBAB special issue
June 2013
Volunteers More Likely to Land Jobs, Study Finds
Corporation for National and Community Service
June 2013
Should I take that unpaid internship?
Kate Warren
June 2013
5. Disaster Risk Reduction
Compendium Of IOM Activities In Disaster Risk Reduction And Resilience
6. Forestry and REDD+
Landscapes for public goods: multifunctional mosaics are fairer by far
June 2013
Safeguards in REDD+ and Forest Carbon Standards: A Review of Social, Environmental and Procedural Concepts and Application
Stephanie Roe, Charlotte Streck, Luke Pritchard, John Costenbader
May 2013
Community Participation and Benefits in REDD+: A Review of Initial Outcomes and Lessons
Kathleen Lawlor, Erin Myers Madeira, Jill Blockhus and David J. Ganz
May 2013
7. Collective Action
Resource conflict, collective action, and resilience: an analytical framework
Ratner, B.D. ; Meinzen-Dick, R. ; May, C. ; Haglund, E.
March 2013
8. Water Management
Cap-Net.org: Training Materials
26 handbooks, manuals and toolkits
9. Health
Was Blind, but Now She Sees
Nicholas D Kristof
New York Times
July 17, 2013
The world’s creeping challenge
Jenny Lei Ravelo
July 2013
10. Education
Tanzanian girl’s long walk to education
July 2013
Malala Yousafzai, Girl Shot by Taliban, Makes Appeal at U.N.
Jennifer Preston
New York Times
July 2013
11. Northern Nonprofits
Broken Promises
Byron L. Dorgan
New York Times
July 2013
Abandoned In Indian Country
New York Times
July 2013
Pain on the Reservation
Annie Lowrey
New York Times
July 2013
12. Summer and Fall Training
A 5 Day Live Workshop: Antigua, Guatemala: September 30 – October 4, 2013
Programa de Capacitación Internacional de 2 Meses: 2 de septiembre al 31 de octubre de 2013
The course will lead you through the development of a real project, in real time, and leave you with the practical tools to sustain it. For example, student projects have included efforts to help communities in Europe and North America with community development, youth employment, income generation, empowering immigrant women, the Inuit and climate change, and environmental restoration.
International Development: Designing & Funding International Development Projects. 2 Month Blended Distance and Live Training. |
Are you working in international development in areas such as food security, health and hygiene, watershed management, agriculture, or income generation? Then this training program is for you. Read the syllabus and see how the course is organized.
This two-month training program will present an ‘online field experience,’ and lead participants in the process of developing sustainable, self sufficient communities. This blended learning program will lead you through the development of a real project, in real time, in a real village.
Our online courses use each class assignment as a concrete step in developing a real project within a real community. You will take an assignment into the field and use it as a solution-oriented activity that you do together with community members—thereby finishing one component of the project you are developing in the class. And there you have it: an online field course with tangible, concrete results.
Visit Online Learning to see a listing of Summer Quarter distance learning courses and blended distance learning & live workshop programs.
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Advanced Courses:
Blended Distance/Live Workshop Training Programs: Designing & Funding Sustainable Projects
These blended training programs are available in 3 specialized sections:
We look forward to working with you in our training programs.
Tim Magee, Executive Director
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The Center for Sustainable Development specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for humanitarian development professionals worldwide. CSDi is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.