Field Projects Special Issue: Adaptation | Islands | Water | Forests

January Newsletter
We’ve been very lucky with the high quality of our field partners and of the projects they developed—and during November we featured select projects in four newsletters for specialty audiences. Each project has a short write-up—as well as detailed background information about the actual communities and solution oriented project activities.

Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change News: CBA

CBA projects from 4 countries & tools for perfecting project design

  • 300 Hands-On Field Activities for Community Based Adaptation Projects
  • Is Climate Change Affecting Farmers in Your Country? It is in Guatemala
  • Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation: A Guide for Practitioners

  • Climate Change Risk & Vulnerability in a Remote Tanzanian Village
  • CC Study in Injustice: 10 Million Additional African Children Malnourished by 2050
  • Do you think that indigenous knowledge should be incorporated into CBA projects?

Forests and Climate Change News

Forests are a major component of coastlines, rivers, biodiversity & farms

  • Bangladesh: Participatory Riparian Forest Management Program
  • Perú: Participatory Restoration & Conservation of  Mangrove Ecosystem
  • Agroforestry and Conservation Agriculture for Malawi Food Security

  • Forest Reserve Nigeria: REDD+ | NTFPs | Climate Smart Agroforestry
  • Community Afforestation Program in Bangladesh

 Water and Climate Change News

Water challenges range from domestic water to agriculture, floods, drought, health

  • Families in Kenyan Village Have 4% of the Water as do Canadian Families
  • 36% Water Shortage in Mexico City: Rainwater Harvesting Solution
  • Drought & Flood in Remote Tanzanian Village

  • Community Afforestation Program in Bangladesh
  • Water Management Program: Will It Help Mauritian Farmers Adapt to Climate Change Hazards?

Islands and Climate Change News

Islanders suffer from erosion, water shortages, pollution, habitat loss and tropical storms

  • Yadua Village, Fiji: 200 people are suffering climate change induced rising sea levels
  • 7 Years of extreme weather in Granada increases malnutrition & poverty
  • Climate change related drought plagues island farmers on Timor Leste

  • Yadua Village, Fiji: 200 people are suffering climate change induced rising sea levels
  • 7 Years of extreme weather in Granada increases malnutrition & poverty
  • Climate change related drought plagues island farmers on Timor Leste

Would you like to learn how to develop Community Based Adaptation Projects?

What’s happening in the region where you live?
Please write us with your stories, thoughts and comments through
I look forward to hearing from you.
Tim Magee, Executive Director
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The Center for Sustainable Development specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for humanitarian development professionals worldwide. CSDi is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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