Kenya: Nutrition and Home Gardens

Malnourished families enjoy improved nutrition and food security through a nutrition and family garden project

Location: 3 villages in Bunyala, Western Kenya near the shores of Lake Victoria.
Google Earth View and Map View: See map at bottom of page.
Beneficiaries: 120 families: 540 people

The Challenge

120 families from three villages in Kenya suffer from food insecurity caused by dated farming skills & from malnutrition due to a lack of knowledge of nutrition & of home gardens in providing food diversity. These challenges reduce the ability for 300 children to attend school & for adults to lead the productive lives necessary for leaving the cycle of poverty & for contributing to long-term community development.

Help the 300 children of 120 families become well-nourished & healthy

Contribute to a farmer field school program (farmer-to-farmer training) and a family garden and nutrition program for 120 families in Kenya’s impoverished Bunyala district. The program will help their 300 children become healthy and sufficiently nourished to attend & excel in school. 120 families will begin the rise out of poverty through leading healthy, productive lives.

Donate to this project: Any sized donation will help

$25.00: A year’s worth of vegetable seeds for a family
$50.00: Give a family a new shovel, hoe & watering can
$100.00: Healthy luncheon demo at a nutrition workshop
$500.00: A day-long intensive home gardening workshop
$1,000.00: Project Patron – receive photos & updates

Project Details

Project Budget: $916.00 per month
Project duration: 2 years
CSDi Partner: Community Disaster Management Initiative
Project Manager: John Bosco Odongo, Executive Director
Fact Sheet: 2-page overview of the project
Key words: Farmer Field School, Food Security, Nutrition, Home Gardens

Project Number 10/2013 (enter this number in ‘Add special instructions to the seller’ on PayPal ‘review your donation’ page)

Read John’s report on conducting a nutrition survey in his community.

Read John’s report on a raised bed workshop with photos.

Read John’s report on vegetable garden successes and challenges.